Thursday, April 9, 2009

A Disciplined Life

I read this today in "The Inner Voice of Love" by Henri J. M. Nouwen. He says,

"To live a disciplined life is to live in such a way that you want only to be where God is with you."

I recoil when I hear the words "disciplined life." But in reading the rest of the sentence I thought to myself, "How utterly beautiful."

Discipline was always followed by the word "should" and never the word "want."
Discipline was always devoid of relationship.
Discipline was always about ME.
Discipline was like riding a roller coaster....there were up's and down's but eventually I always ended back where I started.
Discipline always lead to placing myself on a win - loss line.
Discipline always welcomed the inevitable comparisons to others.
Discipline or the lack of it always gave fodder for how I felt about myself that day.

So today as I reflect on the idea that it could be simply wanting to be where God is today in my life I realize that the concept of discipline can be totally revamped into something of simple beauty.

This discipline - as described in the above sentence is about want - not should
It is all about relationship.
It is all about Him.
It may actually take me somewhere - at least where He is going.
It destroys the win-loss line.
It compares itself to no one - not even myself.
It allows me to bask in how He feels about me today instead of how I feel about myself or how others may feel about me. rest.


glenn said...

Barb - Yo nailed it! Love the line, "It allows me to bask in how He feels about me today instead of how I feel about myself or how others may feel about me."

Sara said...

the last year and more of my life has been one of building disciplines. It's felt good. *Felt* right, though I haven't always been able to explain why to people, because the word "discipline" is so cluttered with "shoulds" and gritted teeth and doing-it-anyway. But it also has the same root as "disciple" . . . and it's really all about just practicing being more what Jesus wants me to be, and being more like him and being in relationship with him. Great post. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Barb, this is a great step towards reclaiming a truly Christ centred approach to discipline.