Saturday, September 27, 2008

The Kingdom of God is Not For Sale

And sometimes I really do wonder if it is all about the Money! (I could give you more links but then my blood pressure goes so high)

It takes only a brief glimpse of the websites of the men and women from the Apostolic streams before you find yourself consistently hitting your head against the same thing.


"We need more of it. We need to find the roadblocks in our lives that are hindering the wealth transfer that is supposed to come into the ‘kingdom.’ The gates need to be opened. You seed needs to be sowed (here of course.) The kingdom needs both kings and priests. The Kingdom of God needs money to finance it. You need to partner with us." They have MARKETPLACE APOSTLES!!!

thinking to herself in true Jim Gaffigan style......I wonder if James or John was one of those. Maybe Lazarus - he was wealthy enough to have a home where his sisters lived with him....I know!!!! - Zacchaeus, when he got saved become one. Yes that is it. I should write a book and go on tour)

Money, Money, Money.

If they don’t state it upfront you can be sure they always get around to it.

They have the gall to quote Paul. Paul, who never lived the good life, who thanked people for their offerings while he was in prison. Paul who commended churches for their giving out of their significant need themselves. They make Paul their spokesman. How dare they?

I hate to border on bitterness - but when it comes to this subject I boil.

This is a deal breaker with me. I instantly distrust a ministry that participates in this crap. Oh, I have heard all the excuses. I know all the rationale and reasoning. Remember, I lived in thier camp.

So don’t try to tell me that you are raising money for the Kingdom of God and then spend it on yourself. Why not be real? Tell the truth.

Try this as an example of honesty:

I want to do this service for you. I want to teach you this, provide you with this or offer this. You won’t get a better seat at my conferences. I won’t pray for your family. I won’t give you special prophetic words. If you give me money I will tell you exactly what I am going to spend it on. I won’t change my mind without asking your permission. If you gave it for one purpose and I decide to do something else, I will give it back to you.

If the Kingdom of God sprouts out of this transaction - then all the better but I am not going to offer the Kingdom of God for sale here. The Kingdom of God is not to be purchased, bought, bartered, or bribed. It is not to be coerced, threatened, manipulated or begged for. The Kingdom of God is not a commodity. I will not offer it for sale and you will promise not to try to purchase it from me.

If you want to put seed into the Kingdom of God, take the money and go and DO something yourself. Love someone. Feed someone. Give to those who have nothing.

There ends my rant for this evening.


Sarah said...

I couldn't agree more. The merchandising and marketing of the things of God is one of the most disturbing activities I observe in the celebrity circuit of the charismatic church.

Anonymous said...

I know what you mean, this really makes me sick. The prosperity gospel is perhaps one of the most subtly destructive poisons to affect the church.

I can't help but be remind of what the (real) Apostles said to someone who tried to buy the Kingdom in Acts 8:

Acts 8:20-23: "Peter answered: 'May your money perish with you, because you thought you could buy the gift of God with money! 21You have no part or share in this ministry, because your heart is not right before God. Repent of this wickedness and pray to the Lord. Perhaps he will forgive you for having such a thought in your heart. For I see that you are full of bitterness and captive to sin.'"

Joel Brueseke said...

Wow I relate to so much of this. I was involved in a ministry (not a church) that was actually a really good ministry with many great people, but the "leader" was so very into all of what you're saying here. He would quote all the verses (out of context of course) and tug on heart strings to give. There were many generous givers, and the sad thing is that often this man would tell them of a specific 'legitimate' need for the ministry, and they'd give generously, and then he'd turn around and who knows where the money really went but it didn't go towards what we really needed.

I could really go on my own rant here... but I'll stop. :)

Lita Wright said...

The sad thing to me is that the love of money has taken such a hold on these preachers that the seem to be oblivious to the fact that they are seeking after the things of the world instead of the things of God.

John Edwards said...

Anonymous said...

Thanks for writing this.