Saturday, November 1, 2008

Updating the Anointings

In reading the words of those who are praying around the bull on Wall Street I read about all the "anointings" that are available. The "Corporate Joseph Aointing," The "Isaac Anointing," and the "Issachar Anointing."

Question for the day: Why are there no Anointings from the New Covenant/Testament? Why are they all Old Testament anointings?

How about a Pauline anointing where you life seems to be nothing but shipwrecks and floggings. Or the John Anointing for those of us who find ourselves on an island with nothing but the Holy Spirit. Or how about the Berean Anointing for those who want to see if something that someone says is really in the Bible?

I think the Charismatic church needs to come up with some anointings from the New Testament. Can you help them out by thinking of a few?


Fred Shope said...

The Jesus Anointing for those taking up their cross and being hated by the world?

Anonymous said...

The Stephen Anointing for being bold enough to speak the truth to the religious zealots.

Anonymous said...

The Martha Anointing when you are the one stuck in the kitchen doing the dishes.

Erin said...

The Rich Man anointing when you give everything away and not just 10%.

Barry said...

How about the genuine anointing, where you pour a jug of olive oil over their head? It might shut them up temporarily, or at the very least teach them the real meaning of the word "anointing". That must be one of the most misused words in the Christian subculture.

Barry said...

Or, to (mis)use the word "anointing" according to their normal usage, how about the Zechariah anointing, whereby they are struck dumb until the next John the Baptist is born?

Sarah said...

How about the 'scum of the earth' anointing? Or the 'least of these' anointing? Or the 'good samaritan' anointing? Just off the top of my head, these come to mind...

Anonymous said...

I think we all could use a little 'can't we all just get along annointing'. maybe step back and think about what makes us react the way we do?

Anonymous said...

The Lazarus annointing - O Crap!

1. He stinketh! /or/
2. Let's hope someone has a Jesus annointing!

Ruth said...

i got one, "my grace is sufficient for thee" annointing,

or how about the "how do u spell annointing" annointing ? LOL,
ie Corporate Joseph A-Oint-ing!
check how u spelt it; woohoo that must've been a really good one

getting there said...

There is the Elijah annointing.. the habitual fellowship with God.. but the funniest one

I was told that I have the annointing of hugs..

as you say, wouldn't it be great if they focused on the New testament!

Tyler Dawn said...

How about the Seven Sons of Sceva annointing --

for the people who act super spiritual but who are really getting the crap beat out of them by the enemy